GRADE 7 YEAR-END CELEBRATION – TODAY!!! Monday, June 22nd at 11:30 am

Morning, Gr. 7 Year-end Celebration Today

We are starting at 11:30. Due to the weather, cloud cover and expected rain we will be going with the rainy day plan – cars will come up McLeod street and drive around the block waiting in line for their turn on Bowser street facing the highway. The cars and students will be recognized in the order they show up. Please be patient and wait your turn. Someone will cue you when its your turn.


See you all soon.


On behalf of all of us, we congratulate all our Grade 7s and wish them all the best in their educational pursuits and life.

Ms. Campbell


The school has placed a hoodie order at the high school. Come September, a HSS Spartans hoodie will be awaiting your child’s arrival.


BC Summer Reading Club Goes Online

BC Summer Reading Club Goes Online

For nearly 30 years, the BC Summer Reading Club (BC SRC) has motivated kids to continue reading and learning during the summer months. Kids ages 5-14 register for this free program with their local public library. They record their reading progress, building self-confidence and developing their reading skills, while participating in fun activities.

This year, thanks in part to funding from the Ministry of Education, the BC SRC has added the option for readers to participate online, so that families have access even if they aren‘t able to visit their local public library in-person. Some of the exciting new, online features that have been added this year include:

* Kids can earn digital badges for reaching their reading goals as well as a certificate of completion (and in some communities, a medal) for finishing the program.

* A dashboard for parents/guardians to track their kids‘ reading progress and the digital badges they‘ve earned.

* Weekly stay-at-home activity packages.

* Live events and video demonstrations including hands-on crafts and experiments.

This year‘s theme is “Explore Our Universe” featuring illustrations by B.C. artist Bambi Edlund. All reading counts – kids can read whatever they want, in whatever language they feel most comfortable. They can also listen to someone else read or tell stories.

Help keep your students reading and learning this summer by sharing this information with your school families. Online registration begins June 15 at the BC Summer Reading Club website. Participants can also visit their local library to register and learn more about the BC SRC programs being offered in their community.

More information on the 2020 BC Summer Reading Club can also be found in this press release.

Happy reading!

Students Returning to New Hazelton Elementary – June 2020


June 1, 2020

The following is the Re-entry plan for New Hazelton Elementary School students.  These rules are based on Dr. Bonnie Henry of the provincial health office and the Ministry’s safety protocols.  Regardless of personal beliefs, we ask that you respect the rights of others and follow the physical distancing rules as laid out by Dr. Henry and the Ministry.  At NHE, we take our students’ and staff’s safety very seriously.  Failure to follow these rules will result in students being sent home where they will continue their learning remotely. 


School begins at 8:55 am and ends at 2:52 pm.

Students are welcome on the school grounds any time after 8:45 am. Students need to be picked up no later than 3:00 pm.

School doors will open at 8:55 am – students will be asked to socially distance themselves under adult guidance when they arrive and will enter the building in an orderly, respecting social distancing manner.

All K-5 students signed up to return will come to school on Mondays and Tuesdays for the first three weeks of June. During the last week, students will come only on the Monday.

All Grade 6-7 students signed up to return will come to school on Mondays for the month of June.

Getting to and from School

Bus – For those that signed up to take a bus, the bus schedule will be posted on our website, emailed to you, and on Face Book. Students will be assigned designated seats on the bus and instructed how to get on and off the bus by the driver.

Drop off and Pick up – For those dropping off and picking up their children, use the back parking lot only. Please do not drop your child off before 8:45 am. Your child will have a designated spot to wait for you when you return to pick them up at the end of the day. Pick up time is to be no later than 3:00 pm.

Entering the building

  • Primary (Kindergarten to Grade 4) will enter through the boot room.
  • Intermediate (Grade 5 to Grade 7) will enter through the front door.
  • All students:
  • When students arrive they will be asked to socially distance themselves under adult guidance (the ground has been marked with an “x”) and will enter the building in an orderly, respecting social distancing manner.
  • Students will use hand sanitizer as they enter and be asked a few health questions to see how they are feeling.
  • Students will proceed to class where they will wash their hands and go to their assigned desk/table.
  • All students will be instructed and guided regarding hand washing techniques, social distancing and safety procedures.



  • Classrooms will be arranged so that each desk/table follows the physical distancing guidelines.
  • Students will be responsible for bringing their own school supplies, lunch and snack (no sharing school supplies or food). If a student does not have a pencil or a pen, one can be provided to them by their teacher.
  • The students will use the playground, field and gym based on a schedule that allows for social distancing.
  • Education Assistance and First Nations Support Workers will continue to support students in class.



  • Students must respect social distancing.
  • Floors will be marked to help allow students to maintain a 2 metre distance from other people.
  • Washrooms will be monitored and surface area cleaning will take place throughout the day.



  • Students will eat their lunch in their classroom.
  • Lunch times and recesses will be staggered between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM.
  • Students are not to leave school property.
  • Students are only to go outside when they are accompanied by staff.


Exiting the building/ Leaving at the end of the Day

  • Primary (Kindergarten to Grade 4) will exit through the boot room.
  • Intermediate (Grade 5 to Grade 7) will exit through the front door.
  • All students
  • Students will wash their hands before leaving school.
  • Bus students will proceed to the bus if on site or to the designated waiting area (above the name wall in front of the school) for their bus.
  • Pick up students will proceed to the parking lot side of the school to their designated spot and then proceed to their family vehicle.
  • Walking students will be directed to walk straight home as soon as they are dismissed.