Inappropriate behaviour can consist of, but is not limited to:
- Behaviours that interfere with the learning of others
- Rudeness, swearing
- Fighting
- Lack of respect for others, teasing
- Throwing objects (rocks, sticks, snowballs, etc)
- Defiant behaviour, insolence
- Running in the halls
- Public displays of affection in a romantic or sexual nature
- Littering
- Unauthorized leaving of school grounds
Forms of unacceptable conduct mentioned above are only some examples and not an all-inclusive list.
Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, respecting individual rights, responsibilities, age, and maturity; and be restorative rather than punitive in nature.
Inappropriate behaviour typically has the following consequences:
- Review of expectations and a timeout
- Review of expectations, written assignments and/or loss of privileges (which include but not limited to off-site activities, field trips and/or special events)
- Parents informed
- Meeting with the parents
- Short-term (in school or at home) suspension up to 5 days
- Long-term suspension (over 5 days) and referral to School District
- Consultation with police and/or fire department when warranted
- Expulsion
Are Free From Acts Of:
- Bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, and marginalization
- Threat and intimidation
- Violence in any form
- Abuse in any form
- Discrimination in any form including race, colour, gender, age, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ancestry, or national origin
- Retribution against a person who has reported incidents
Or Misuse Of:
- Cyberspace/Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Computers – students are to be aware that they may be subject to discipline (or, if applicable, confiscation of personal property) for misuse of technology if it negatively impacts on the school environment.
Do Not Tolerate the Presence Of:
- Theft and vandalism
- Intoxicating or banned substances
- Weapons or replica (toy) weapons and explosives
- Intruders or trespassers – All visitors to the school must first report to the office
As circumstances warrant, the Principal has a responsibility to advise other parties following a behaviour incident:
- Parent of student exhibiting major behaviours (in every instance)
- Parent of student on the receiving end (in every instance)
- Superintendent, Safe Schools team member and/or other District Staff
- Ministerial agencies and/or School Liaison Officer (Police)
- School staff and school community as deemed appropriate by the Principal and District Administration
New Hazelton Elementary School’s Code of Conduct has been structured to align with and adhere to the standards outlined in:
The School Act 85(1.1) 168 (2) (s.1) Provincial Standards Ministerial Order 276/07, effective October 17, 2007
B.C. Human Rights Code, (SD 82 Policy No. 2125)
B.C. Ministry of Education: Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools A Guide (Nov. 2008) and Developing and Reviewing Codes of Conduct: A Companion (Aug. 2007) both found at