“To educate, inform, and empower parents to be true partners in the education of their children”
Coast Mountains District Parent Advisory Council is recognized by the Coast Mountains School District 82 as the collective voice of the parents at the district level.
The purposes of the Council will be:
- to be the collective voice of parents in the Coast Mountains School District;
- to advise the Board of Education and School District on any matter relating to education in the district, including the district’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning;
- to communicate with parents and School Parent Advisory Councils on educational matters;
- to promote the interests of public education and, in particular, the interests of Parent Advisory Councils in the Coast Mountains School District and the interests of Coast Mountains School District students;
- to provide parent education and leadership development, and a forum for discussion of educational issues;
- to assist parents in forming a Parent Advisory Council in every school;
- to assist members in obtaining information and communicating with district personnel;
- to provide and support a local advocacy project;
- to communicate with other organizations in the community and province on educational matters of common interest;
We offer:
- monthly regular meetings – Coast Mountains DPAC Regular Meetings are open to ALL parents;
- resources and information on current educational issues, trends, and legislative changes;
- representation on Coast Mountains School District committees;
- support for parents and Parent Advisory Councils.
Contact Information:
District Parent Advisory Committee
Coast Mountains Board of Education School District 82
3211 Kenney Street, Terrace, B.C. V8G 3E9
Email: chairDPAC82@gmail.com
In preparation for the 2017-2018 school year, please find attached the DPAC Welcome Back to School Package for PACs and Parents: